Green Haven Golf Course Logo
Green Haven Golf Course
Open to the Public
Located in historic Anoka, MN
NOTICE: We will have all information updated for 2025 by the end of March.

Men's Leagues

12:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Men's Club

9-hole league website
Men's Club Sign Up Form - (pdf)
18 Hole League website

2024 Senior League
The Senior League will be Wednesdays with golf beginning May 8th and ending August 21th. The formats will vary each week with some individual as well as some team events. The cost will be $25 and then an optional $10 each week for the game of the day. 100% of all the money will be paid out by the end of the season. The league will be for any Male golfer 50 years of age and older. Once you are a member we will have a weekly sign up for the Wednesday game. You will need to either sign up or call the golf shop to have us sign you up by Sunday night. We will then post tee times on Monday in the golf shop and on the website. The league is meant to be incredibly flexible, you only play when you can & there is no need to play every week if you don’t want to.

The golf shop will collect the $10 each week and the players will just need to turn in their scorecard and the golf shop will take care of the scoring and post the results each week and put the credits won on the individual's credit account. If you want to play in the $10 game each week you will need a USGA handicap.

Anyone that plays in the senior league on Wednesdays will receive the senior rate of $32 to walk or $50 to ride (both including tax) whether they are over 60 years of age or not.

Ladies' Leagues

Tuesday Mornings
Ladies 18-Hole League – starting at 7:15 am
2024 - 18 Hole Ladies League Membership Information (pdf)
2024 - 18 Hole Ladies League Registration Form (pdf)

Attention lady golfers:
Welcome to the Green Haven 18-Hole Ladies’ League. This league plays on Tuesday mornings starting the first week in May through mid-September. We have several events during the year that give our members the opportunity to play with other members of all levels. Our main objective is to have fun and enjoy the game of golf.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the ins and outs of league play. All of our members will be happy to answer questions and help everyone enjoy the league. We are here to have fun! Click this link to view all the information on our Ladies' League (pdf)
Tuesday evenings
Ladies 9-hole League
View 2024 information sheet and registration form

Call the golf shop for more information
We accept company, corporate and recreational leagues.
Please call 763-576-2971 for more information.
Current Specials
Current Hours:
View Tavern Menu

Also now available: Frozen Pizza: Complete Details
Bingo every Tuesday Night from 7pm - 9pm Complete Details

Looking for a course to host your next golf event or group outing? Green Haven provides a fantastic setting and complete services:
More Information
Make a deposit on your event